Friday 28 November 2014

Benefits of Red Wine

Red wine is a type of wine made from dark-coloured (black) grape varieties.The actual colour of wine can range from intense violet, typical of young wines, through to brick red for mature wines. The red colour comes from anthocyan pigments (also called anthocynanins) present in the skin of the grape.

Red wine contains high amounts of antioxidants which help our cells fight against free radical damage. It also contains procyanidins which help reduce blood pressure and protect against hardening of the arteries.

Red wine is considered to be one of the healthiest drinks and was used for medicinal purposes in ancient times. French people drink red wine almost daily to stay fit and healthy.Many studies suggest that that the French are healthy due to the presence of red wine in their diet.

Below are some of the Benefits of taking red wine:

For Skin: 
Red wine contains anti-oxidants that help skin to generate new skin cells, it prevents skin from ageing,  gives skin a rosy and blushy look.It clears the pores of the skin and stop further breakout of skin, it also treat oily and congested skin.
It is rich in amino acids that also fights against the harmful sun rays, thus acting as a protective barrier.Presence of polyphenols  transforms dull skin into glowy skin giving it a smoother look.
It is not necessary to drink red wine you can also directly apply it to your face, in form of facials, or directly on cheeks to get a reddy lustre.Yu can also buy scrubs that has red wine as ingredient.

For Eyes:
Studies have shown that red wine intake can lower risks of many common eye health issues.Drinkers of red wine shows reduction in developing cataract as compared to non-drinkers.It eliminates dark circles under the eyes.
Red wine contain melotonin that give a peaceful sleep thus reducing puffiness under the eye.

For Teeth:
It helps to fight against tooth decay, helps in strengthening of gums.It is good for getting white teeths.due to presence of polyphenols it reduces gum inflammation.

For Cholesterol:
Research has shown that antioxidants in wine known as polyphenols can help prevent cholesterol build up and thus prevent heart disease. It avoids accumulation of saturated fats.It contains resveratrol that helps you live longer. Red wine also contains flavonoids and saponins which protect you against cardiovascular diseases.It prevent the accumulation of fats which in turn prevents heart strokes and heart attacks.

For Hairs:
Drinking  red wine daily increases blood circulation in the scalp and strengthens the blood vessels to reduce dandruff and itchiness of the scalp. Resveratrol presence prevents hair loss and helps fight inflammtion.

For Brain:
It helps preventing various brain diseases like dementia, gives brain or memory a high concentration power.
It also helps reducing stress.

For Body:
According to studies presence of resveratrol boost physical stamina and gives strenght to muscles. It can also increase life span to a certain extent if consumed daily in a limited amount.

Other Benefits:
Can prevent hearing loss,osteosporosis, Alzheimer’s disease, helps to prevent cancer.It is helpful for those suffering from chronic cough as it contains an abundance of the flavonoid reseratrol, it acts as anti oxidant that help fight against mucus producing illness.

Note: Although it contains several benefits, but it is necessary to take it in imits those suffering from any disease should consult a doctor before drinking red wine and others should know their body handling capacity.

Take care:)



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